Economic Aspects of countryside recreation management
R. Stoakes, Countryside Commission
Financing countryside recreation as part of the national forest enterprise
D.A.Mithen, Forest Management Division, Forestry Commission
Financing Water Recreation
A.L.Colbeck, Recreation and Amenity Manager, Northumbrian Water Authority
The impact of grant assistance for tourist projects
S.Mills, English Tourist Board
Financial countryside recreation as part of the local authorities responsibilities
Personal viewpoint 1 Clive Gordon, Notts County Council
Personal Viewpoint 2 Dennis Woodman, Cheshire County Council
Financing individual recreation enterprises
Case study 1 Culzean Country Park, A.B.Bryant, National Trust for ScotlandCase study 2 Stratfield Saye and Wellington Country Park, Christopher Scott
Case Study 3 Beamish North of England open air museum, Frank Atkinson
Making ends meet in the National Trust Estates
J.A.K. Garrett, The National Trust
The scope for private investment in countryside recreation
M.J.Ryan LSD Leisure and Recreation group of companies