Introduction 7
Our Priceless Countryside
Ron Edwards, Regional Board Member, National Rivers Authority and Chairman, National Parks Review Panel 9
Pricing the Countryside
The Context
Geoff Broom, Principal Consultant, PA Cambridge Economic Consultants 21
Some Economic Terms and Ideas Explained
David Heigham, Senior Economist, Department of the Environment 34
Charging Debates
The Free Countryside
Susan Owens, Lecturer in Geography, University of Cambridge 43
Funding Through the Voluntary Principle
Barry Bracewell-Milnes, Economic Adviser, Institute of Directors and Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economic Affairs 50
Introduction 65
Environmental Audit and Compensating Projects
John Hopkins, Science Directorate, English Nature 66
Measuring the Economic Impact of Countryside Recreationalists
Roger Vaughan, Bournemouth Polytechnic, and Sue Walker, The ASH Partnership 68
Techniques to Value Non-Market Goods
Clive L Spash, Lecturer in Environmental Economics, Economics Department, Stirling University 72
Making Values Work – Investment Appraisal and Project Evaluation
Ian Bateman, Lecturer in Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia 74
Charging the Customer to Raise Funds
Nigel Curry, Director of Research, Faculty of Environment and Leisure, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education 76
Alternative Ways of Raising Funds
Tom Flood, Deputy Chief Executive, BTCV (British Trust for Conservation Volunteers) 79
Managing Demand Through Pricing and Other Techniques
Jo Burgon, Coast and Countryside Adviser, The National Trust 82
Management in Practice
Glenn Millar, British Waterways, Jenny Heap, English Nature, and David Henderson-Howat, Forestry Commission 83
Planning Gain?
Martin Elson, Professor, School of Planning, Oxford Polytechnic 89
Making the Case
Lyn Powell, Fanner, Chapman Warren Planning Consultants 90
Reporting Back on the Workshops
Richard Broadhurst, Recreation Officer, Forestry Commission and CRRAG Vice-Chairman 92
How Appropriate is Pricing or Charging? Charge or Tax? – The Practicalities John Toothill, National Park Officer, Lake District National Park 101
Tax or Charge? – Which is Right?
Philip Lowe, Reader in Environmental Planning and Co-Director of the Rural Studies Research Centre, University College London 108
Closing Remarks
Roger Clarke, Director – Policy, Countryside Commission and CRRAG Chairman 119