Welcome and Introduction 5
Joe Roberts, Countryside Council for Wales
PROGRESS Project 7
Keith Campbell, PROGRESS Project, Forestry Commission
The Green Blue 9
Susie Tomson, Royal Yachting Association
Pembrokeshire Marine Code 13
Vicky Swales, Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum
Leave No Trace Ireland 18
Ann Fitzpatrick, Wicklow National Park & Bill Murphy Coillte Teoranta
The Best of Both Worlds 23
Doug Kennedy Best of Both Worlds Project and Ken Taylor, Asken Ltd
Saturation Point 27
Facilitator ~ John Watkins, Countryside Council for Wales
Individual Respect 29
Facilitators – Ann Fitzpatrick, Wicklow National Park & Bill Murphy Coillte Teoranta
Informed Management 31
Facilitator – Keith Campbell, PROGRESS Project, Forestry Commission
Annex A- Programme 34
Annex B – Speaker/Workshop Facilitator Biographies 36
Annex C – Delegate List 42
Annex D – Slide Handouts from all speakers 45