Tuesday, 7 July 2020
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
This webinar provided a series of case studies highlighting good practice approaches to returning volunteers to their roles following COVID-19 lockdown.
This live webinar was kindly made available to the entire sector and attended by over 120 delegates. In addition the outworkings are available to the wider industry:
Content included:
- Overview of Key Issues – Pippa Langford, Natural England
- New Challenges and Opportunities for Volunteers – Helen Connor-Walton, Forestry England
- Protocols for returning non-visitor facing volunteers – Nick Hall, The Woodland Trust
- Protocols for returning visitor facing volunteers – Jo Parry, The National Trust
Please note this webinar was presented live on 7th July 2020 and therefore should be taken in content of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions at that time.
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