Tuesday, 14 March 2017
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Reconomics 2014 and it’s impact, Hannah Dobbin SRA
Reconomics Plus, Robert Gill SRA
Manchester Metropolitan Universities involvement and research into policy development, Dr Chris Mackintosh, MMU
Discussion – How do we gather evidence to inform and shape our strategies
Members input – 5 mins for each member to talk about the strategies they work to both internationally, at country and European level.
Using Scottish Rural Development Programme to improve access, Rob Garner SNH
Rural Tourism Agenda of RDP in England, Jo Burgon
Discussion groups:
1. What can strategies achieve or not achieve?
2. How do we participate/collaborate/have remit to feed into other strategies that cover your area of work/activity
Feedback and Planning – What role can the network play in supporting and promoting this area of work?
Round up of the day, Terry Robinson